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We will continue to add more methods as the days pass. Thank you for your patience!



Oh Precious Life Source

Bottom line: Drinkable water is VITAL to your survival on this planet. It acts as a solvent, helps regulate body temperature, aids with digestion and metabolism, lubricates your joints and helps with things we take for granted like breathing by keeping moisture in our lungs. If you are dehydrated there is not much you can do besides re-hydrate yourself. The color of your urine is a good indication of how hydrated you are. If it is the same color as the water you drink, you're doing well. 

There are several ways your body loses water: Breathing, physical exertion, hypothermia, diarrhea, vomiting, illness, certain medications, or bleeding. Always remember to keep yourself hydrated, especially if you find yourself in an emergency or survival situation. If you don't get your hands on drinking water, you will not last long.

Boiling Water

You will need: A fireproof container (a metal pot with a lid works best), a heat source, water in question


First you fill your container with water and put the lid on. If you don't have a lid, improvise. Put the pot over the heat source and bring it to a boil. That action alone will kill the harmful pathogens in your water. After your water has boiled, remove it from the heat source and let it cool down. Sounds simple right? Just remember that this process takes effort to provide continuous drinking water and your heat source will need fuel. Don't rely on this method as your only means of disinfection. 

Iodine  - Do not use this method for more than 30 days.​

​You will need: A container to hold your water (sturdy plastic bottles work well), Iodine 2% tincture or 10% Providone iodine solution, water in question. 

Although it doesn't have the most desirable taste, it is a method of disinfection. Iodine comes in many forms such as the 2% tincture, 5% to 10% solutions, tablets and crystals. Regardless of what method you choose, the iodine MUST be in contact with the water you are going to disinfect for a certain amount of time in order to kill pathogens depending on the temperature and pH, how strong the iodine solution is, type of microorganisms that are present, and the amount of nitrogen compounds and particulate matter in the water. 

Iodine will kill all of the waterborne pathogens except protozoa. 

If the water you are about to disinfect is NOT clear and temperate, you will need to add more iodine per quart and/or let the iodine sit longer before you drink.​


If your water has scum or particles in it, you can first strain it through a piece of clothing, a bandana, a towel, coffee filter or any other tightly woven material before disinfecting. 

REMEMBER the colder the water, the longer it will take for the iodine to eliminate the bad bugs. 

Iodine 2% Tincture

Use five drops per one U.S. quart of water (as many as 10 drops can be used), or 20 drops per one U.S. gallon and give your container a shake. For most water sources, allow the iodine to sit for at least 30 minutes before drinking. Once the appropriate amount of times has passed, partially unscrew the lid of the container you are using and turn the container upside down, allowing the water to dribble down the threads of the container. This flushes out any untreated water that may have been hiding in the threads of the container. Do not add any flavor to your water until AFTER the appropriate amount of time has passed. 

10% Povidone-Iodine Solution

This is also known as Betadine. Use eight drops per U.S. quart or liter of water. Don't use more than 16 at a time. Follow the same guidelines as the Iodine 2% Tincture. 

Chlorine Bleach - Sodium Hypochlorite 5.25% and 6%

You will need: A container to hold your water, chlorine bleach, the water in question 


If you are disinfecting clear and temperate water, add two to four drops of chlorine bleach per one U.S. quart. Give the container a shake and let it sit for at least 30 minutes. Slightly open the cap of your container and let some water come down the threads of the container and smell the water. If it does NOT smell like chlorine, add another drop or two and let it sit for another 30 minutes.


If the water is cold, either add another drop or two of chlorine and/or let the water sit for two to three hours longer. 


Water Disinfection

When you disinfect water, you want to remove any pathogens that will make you ill. If you find yourself lost in the woods or in the midst of a natural disaster, you must have different methods to make your water drinkable. Just because the water is clear and smells fine does not mean it is safe to drink. There could be harmful chemicals or microorganisms in the water that can make you sick or even kill you. When you disinfect your water, it may look and taste unappealing, but it may sometimes be safer to drink than the clear stuff you see running down the stream or in a runoff. Remember that the water you find in the city after a disaster will contain heavy metals, salts and chemicals, and will require more effort to make it potable. 

Note that some bacterias and parasites are harder to kill than others, so PLEASE USE CAUTION when disinfecting your water. 

Waterborne Pathogens That Will Bum You Out





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